Tuesday 10 December 2013

Did Shakespeare ever say "Bollocks to it all...."?

With Christmas publishing dates looming (and the Editor spending most of the time pissed) I anticipated his request for my stuff to be in early, and spent a couple of nights writing the next 3 week's columns in advance, which I don't like doing - I like it to be spontaneous & reacting to current events - it's a bit like planning sex 3 weeks in advance - nice at the time, but better to say "COR!!!!" and react 'on the spur of the moment'...if you get my drift...
Making up all the artwork takes ages, too, but reading it all back, it sounded / looked ok - all the Christmas / New Year issues done, and I'll write January 9th issue when I get back from England...
Writing this week's was 'challenging' - normally, it all spews out, and I press 'SEND' - I don't re-read or correct, as I like it all to come from the heart. However, writing with some sensitivity about the death of Nelson Mandela, I was unusually nervous...it'll either be a good, thoughtful piece or provoke a reaction from the big-gob minority. In the end, I thought "BOLLOCKS TO IT ALL!" which is the Mancunian / Noel Gallagher equivalent of "Publish & be damned"...unless, of course, the Editor shits his pants and gets his scissors out...

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