Wednesday 26 February 2014

"Everybody was.....KUNG FU FIGHTING....." (instead of working...)

There's a guy in our office who is Chinese American. Called Jack Chan. Naturally, lots of jokes made about Jackie Chan, the famous Kung Fu actor bloke...
I decided he wasn't hard enough for that, (only us Mancunians are 'ard!) - so I renamed him 'Jack Chan, the Kung Fu Panda Man', which he wasn't quite so keen on...
I was just taking the p*ss and started singing the old 'Kung Fu Fighting' song by Carl Douglas, from back in the 70's....worryingly, I remembered all the words. I remember him being on Top of the Pops, miming really badly...with a couple of guys dancing a bit Kung-Fu like...(like male 'Pans People', with whom they undoubtedly interfered in the privacy of their hotel rooms later) - here's a link....
And check this out - excruciating....
We were almost dancing around the office, doing the actions....very noisy (it's nearly home time) - and I could almost hear the locals from other departments (it's all open plan offices) jabbering "That crayzeeee English man off heeees rocekr ageeeen!!"
Bet they didn't say "That cat was fast as lightening!!"

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