Wednesday 26 March 2014

Yum, in my tum....(or not, as the case may be...)

Another culinary treat for me today....fancy bringing your wife / girlfriend here for a romantic dinner?
Take her to BEIRUT instead....
It was a bit grim...
There was a bloody dog running about, and when I saw him run in, I thought "He won't rush out....(alive)" but when I saw someone half spit / half spew on the floor I realised the dog's job - he charged in to clear it up...
I was choking myself at one point, and my hosts were worried about me coughing - "You are ill!!" -  I nearly said "I'm not coughing - I'm bloody choking eating this stuff!"...but later, at my hotel, there was a knock at the door - "We bought you some special tea, to help your cough" - so kind.
I felt really guilty.
And hungry...

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