Monday 19 May 2014

This week's adventure begins...

I'm in Shenzhen this week - "reet darn sarf " China - just a spit or two from Hong Kong (literally - just seen people do it!)
It's boiling hot - 33 degrees today and incredibly humid - walking out of the air-conditioning of the airport hit me like a brick wall of intense heat. Naturally, I have kept my tie & jacket on, just as James Bond 0069 would....I is BRITISH and need to show how we do things!!!! People often sate at me as I travel...sometimes it's because I is the only 'white westerner' around, sometimes because I am just SO good looking (this one is open to debate, I confess) and sometimes because my flies are, I strongly suspect it's because I am the only knob walking around in a suit & tie!!!
Bizarre - because last week, the place was flooded & we had to postpone our visit. It wasn't so much a giant tidal wave had come in from HK or anything as much as the total lack of GRIDS here in's amazing how few simple grids you see on the roads & pavements, so it doesn't take a genius to work out the root cause (just a Brit!!) - maybe they'll get round to inventing grids about the same time as discovering the immense advantages knives & forks offer as eating utensils over 2 thin sections of a garden fence...hell, even the Romans had drains, and even gave knives & forks to the lions with which to eat slaves & gladiators in the Colosseum on a Saturday afternoon (kick off 3pm!) - which reminds me...I watched 'POMPEII' the other night. Daft, but fun, although the ending was a tad predictable ( a bit like 'THE TITANIC' was...)....but I swear I noticed grids along the streets...didn't help the lava, but bet it stopped flooding when it pissed down...
Anyway, I digress...
On my flight today, I had the pleasure of sitting behind a COCK from America (might have guessed) - he was a ginger, too, which made him an even bigger twat. When we were landing, the stewardess reminded him "all electrical devices must be turned off" - but he refused to switch off his ipad (on which he was watching a very intelligent documentary, staring Sylvester Stallone with a large gun) - he kept pointing to the TV monitors dotted around the plane which showed flight information etc, claiming "it is no more dangerous than those!" - total cock. Whenever I come across these arse-holes with a FUCK YOU attitude, it's usually a burger-eater, German or Frenchie. The Frenchies are easily identifiable, because they fling their hands up in the air, to make an even bigger scene...
Reading the CHINA DAILY (well, a day-old copy) I noticed an item about a new museum / art exhibition, which incuded what appeared to be a shitty, ramshackle wooden kids toy with wheels, made in grandad Rolf's shed..
In actual fact, it was a 'fantastic' piece of artwork which the 'designer' had inscribed all sorts of things onto the table thing at the end. Seems when was creating other 'art', he would spin the thing - like a roulette table - and where-ever it stopped, he would follow the instructions written at that point. Thus, he recently painted a picture, then spun the wheel and "did what the table told me - I put the painting in the washing machine!" Well, feck knows what the end result was, but I bet his white t-shirts & Y-fronts that went in the next day came out a funny colour. Maybe his mum battered him after her best table cloth came out looking like a Rolf Harris splatter-painting or a 1970 PINK FLOYD psychedelic album cover design...
Lunch was 'challenging' - assorted sea monsters, including some crabs wearing red g-strings, which had no impact on my trouser tackle...first up was a plate of chicken's feet - big ones, probably genetically modified with dollops of radiation. Maybe they were vultures of pterodactyls - whatever, they were huge and gross. Hell, I half expected bloody GODZILLA to be dragged out of a tank, bashed on the head with a stick and boiled up in front of me for the main course...
It's only day one, so I guess there's time for that tasty treat yet...
I fly back to BJ Thursday (that would be nice...)....

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