Monday 9 June 2014

Newspaper clippings....(Part 1)

I actually tried to send this blog entry a couple of weeks kept getting blocked. I use a complex system to get the updates through, but even that didn't work...I wondered if it was God's way of saying "You are going too far this time - you'll get your hands cut off & THEN sent home on the next plane..."
Anyway, today, I thought "F*ck it", so here we go again. I've had to split the photo's into two entries, as it made the mail too big to send....
Reading some 'English language' Chinese newspapers while waiting at the airport yesterday made me smile...
Seems Chinese people visiting Hong Kong feel unwelcome there...there was a big incident when a Chinese lady let her son urinate in the street...not to mention the usual spitting and gobbing that really is possibly the worst part of being here. Even in a restaurant (or on a plane!) you'll hear that awful sound of a man (or woman...or child!!!) clearing their throat and gobbing it out (on the plane, it was onto the food tray - I know you were wondering!)
I was looking at some hotel reviews last night, and there were comments from foreign visitors complaining of people spitting in the swimming pools!!
Following a previous blog entry about a zoo passing off a dog as a lion, another museum has been found with over a third of its exhibits being fake! Best up was a vase, supposedly centuries old, but with modern TV characters painted on it!! The lion that barked is still my fave, though....
Next up was a government minister who was photographed with his hand between the legs of a woman at a KTV bar (karaoke bar, but often a cover for a brothel)....the photo went 'viral' over here, but best up was his excuse - "It wasn't a prostitute, but an old school friend!" - that's OK then!!! Imagine David Cameron being caught banging someone over his car bonnet in the House of Commons car park and the whole thing being caught on CCTV and being shown on News at Ten - "It's OK - she was my wife : she wants another baby, and it was the best time for us!!"
Then there was the guy roughed up so badly by the Police, he lost a nut....and the prison who can't decide where to put a trans-sexual : in the male wing or with the woman...these articles sound even funnier because of the translations!!
Nicely fitting in with my column back in the UK this week is a sad article about school kids being beaten (or even killed) for getting bad school results...this is why they get good results over here - the kids are swamped with homework and are terrified of not delivering. I'm told they take the same approach to training athletes for the Olympics....failure is just NOT an option....
The photo of the two guys looking at the cars almost totally submerged in floodwater caught my eye...the drains are poor here (having grids would be a good start) so when there's a downpour, the impact can be rapid and huge. Maybe they need the Romans to come over and invent drains like they put into Rome & Pompeii a couple of thousand years ago! But best of all - look who is stood next to the two guys....OINK!! The household pet?
But to show I'm balanced, there was a fab photo of a dust storm approaching a military base in Afghanistan, and I loved the idea of young school kids standing with traffic Police, helping them direct traffic (not that anyone takes notice) - so when they grow up, they have an appreciation & awareness of the roads, traffic etc. What a fab idea - most teenage lads in the UK  would benefit from that experience, so when they are let loose in their Vauxhall Corsa's after passing their driving test, they don't drive like total wankers and end up dead in a ditch...

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