Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Wall (and something else....)

The film of Roger Water's live performances of Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' is premiered next month, before (one assumes) the DVD release. Hurrah. At last.

I went to see it at the Manchester Arena & it was stunning.

Here's a clip from the O2 show when old Floyd partner David Gilmour turned up to reprise his role on guitar atop the wall - listen to the crowd roar when they realise it's him...and watch for the part when Water's strikes the wall - wow!!

This part was hugely moving - it gets me every time I watch the clip, especially the girl who covers up her face when she realises her daddy has returned from Vietnam...

Shit - i just watched it again to copy the link...just give me a minute...

And watch for the ultimate anti-war quote from Eisenhower :

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."

Powerful stuff....


On a lighter note, check out the letter a clever kid (possibly the sort who stamps her feet and says "I want a PONY!" ) left for her mum and dad....classic.

That has feck all to do with The Wall, but I couldn't be bothered to post two entries....sorry.....

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