Monday 14 October 2013

First there was GODZILLA - now China has RATZILLA...

A giant 35", 5 Kilo rat that has been 'terrorising' a village here has finally been caught after locals - who had organised hunting parties - saw it slide into a pond and "eat a fish whole!"
"We cornered it and killed it with farm tools!" they jibbered (my word) although they were less successful in eating it - "It had such large bones, we used two cleavers to cut it!"
I have visions of crowds of locals with flaming torches charging through the countryside shouting "KILL THE BEAST!" (but in Chinese jabber)like at the end of every Frankenstein & Dracula film...
Here's a couple of links if you want to know more...(do you REALLY?)
OiC - 'Only in China'....

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