Thursday 19 December 2013

I laughed - quite a lot...

Flying back to the UK tonight - 11 hours to Istanbul, then 4 or so to Manchester, with time for a (very expensive)coffee inbetween and maybe some last-minute shopping in 'duty free'...but as I gain 8 hours flying to the UK - like being in the TARDIS - I may arrive before I"ve set off (sort of...)
I 'packed' last night - the case is huge more like a deflated zeppelin with a zip - and there's NO WAY it's within the weight limit - wonder how Turkish Air will handle it...I switched to them after years of loyalty to BA after they stiffed me for being 2 KG over...
The 'case' is bursting (hopefully not literally) and contains NO clothes for me to wear - I will have to use a small 'carry on' case that I usually use for a 2-night stay when flying around China. I feel like Santa but with a huge suitcase instead of a sack, although my sack is full, too....
Anyway - if you read this bollocks, Happy Christmas etc etc, blah blah....

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