Monday 20 January 2014

"Up, up in the air....." (again.....)

Flew to Qingdao early Monday - hadn't a clue where it was until I saw the sea as we came into land - it's on the East coast. Our driver was a loony - for two hours he had his foot flat to the floor - a right tosser - and I was convinced he was going to 'do a Diana' on me, darting across lanes & leaving motorway exits until the very, VERY last second. We drove across China's longest bridge - nearly 40 KM - which links 3 islands, apparently. I expect it gets a bit scary in the wind, and it reminded me of the 'Arlington Suspension Bridge' in that episode of 'THUNDERBIRDS' when they are taking a space rocket across the bridge and it collapses under the contains the classic line of "WE'RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!" - sad, but I think I remember it was called 'Day of Disaster'...
Hotel is nice, and my room - for once - BOILING hot...I couldn't figure out how to turn it down, so rang reception. Quick as a flash a girly came up - she must have been stood outside my door - and was completely unphased by me stood there in just my boxers...which reminds me...
At weekend, while shopping, a woman on a 'vitamins' stand tried to sell me some 'MEGA MAN' tablets - she just pounced on me. She said "Make you MEGA MAN!" and I said "What makes you think I'm not one already?". She replied "Make you Superman, please the ladies!" - "What makes you think I don't already?" was my reply...
In the end, I said "Do you sell tablets to make you more beautiful? Do you get staff discount? I think you should...."
I think the sarcasm was lost on her...
Food last night with my hosts was ok - although one used a 'pancake' that comes with the sliced duck to make what was really an egg butty - and handed it to me (literally). Hygiene issues aside, I can't eat egg - why eat something that comes out of a chicken's arse? - and never had, since I was a kid. Think the image of one emerging from a chicken's bum mentally scarred me for life.
I politely declined, and had to look at the ghastly thing all night, on my plate. Projectile vomiting across several people - EXORCIST style narrowly avoided...
The guys drove past the beach this morning and we stopped for some fresh air - I filled my lungs ahead of flying back to Beijing tomorrow. To the left of the photo is South Korea, and the right - out to the horizon - Japan. "Surrounded by enemies" said my translator...
I took several deep breaths, and it was lovely...

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