Monday 3 March 2014

Beds....and Russian werewolves....

Feck know's where I am....
I DO know I'm very close to the Russian border - so if I DID tell you....well, lives could be at risk!! I have my 0069 'License to Thrill' badge, don't forget...and with all the tension in the region at the moment, I'm sleeping with a knife under my pillow...
Talking of beds, my hotel is very nice - but was bewildered by a very large bed, in the lobby, by reception. It had some chairs around it (see photo 1) - I assumed there might be some sort of 'show' or 'performance' later in the evening, so I baggsed myself a ringside seat....reminded me of being in Amsterdam many years ago in 'The Bannana Club'...hell - the memories are flooding back - thought I'd blocked that one out!!  (nightmares tonight!)
And continuing with beds, a couple of my female colleagues joining me this week had a FIT when they saw their rooms (same as mine) - when you walk in, you are faced with s sort of marble wall (photo 2) and on the other side, is the bed (3) - it really is a lovely room (gave me the horn, which most hotel rooms do!) although I did manage to flood most of it this morning in the 'walk in shower' - I walked in, and the water poured out! Anyway, they said it was "weird and made us feel uncomfortable" (they weren't referring to me, I assure you) and as for sleeping with their heads facing the door? NO WAY- big fuss, and rooms changed. I did politely suggest they could just simply sleep at the other end of the bed (possibly mine) but it was dismissed (on both counts). They like making a fuss over here...
It's freezing cold here - gets as low as -30, although the building I'm working in is +30 all year round - like a bloody Kew Gardens greenhouse. So, bizarrely, I'm sweating like a pig, literally with my shirt plastered to me - while looking through the window at snow & least I'll have a good view when the Russian helicopters land and take over (sorry - unmarked helicopters and soldiers with no country insignia or flags!!)
Eating in the hotel last night, we were advised it was 'dangerous to go outside', which I suspect was a crafty way of making us pay top price to eat & drink in the place! They said it was because it was 'very dark, and in a remote place' (it was) - reminded me of those old films where a stranger walks in the pub and it all goes quiet -  "You're not welcome here!" and "Don't go out on the moors alone at night!" stuff!!! Was it werewolves? Or locals interbred with their own cattle? Or those Ruskies?
Anyway, I fly back to BJ tomorrow....

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