Tuesday 11 March 2014

Where am I?

Well, I'm almsot in Hong Kong.
Last week I was so up north I was almost in Mongolia / Russia, now I'm right darn sarf.
Airport here is mega - I love the shapes you find in airports & taking photo's helps relieve the boredom when waiting for planes. Lots of great ones here, and I'm almost looking forward to the journey back because of them...
The city here is like Beijing - with a bit more space around the buildings, and a bit less smog. There's a (expensive) shopping centre next to my (expensive) hotel, but worth a look - a rare underwear shop, which almost gave me the horn. Worth the price of admission alone. I sat and talked to some fish in a big tank. I think they enjoyed my rambling - they looked on politely, anyway...
Out for a meal with mine hosts last night and I nearly spewed when I saw the menu - I decided it was DOG'S DICK so politely ate tons of rice and then all the fruit slices that come with the bill!!! Back at my hotel, I cried a bit and ate 2 Snickers bars.
Tonight, it was noodles - I was warned they might be a bit spicy, but thought I was OK until I realised my mouth had gone numb - like the dentist had injected it before setting about my teeth with his chainsaw.
I've just got back to my hotel & drunk all the 'complementary' bottles of water...


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