Tuesday 11 March 2014

"Saturday night's alright for....." (Burning a pan)

Saturday was 'Ladies Day' here. I'm not quite sure what that means - maybe it was a day when everyone just argued for no apparent reason - but, anyway, the fearsome security guards by my apartment were giving out roses, making them even less scary than usual. Luckily, Simon The Gay Security Guard (who repeatedly touches my bottom when he pens the gate for me) wasn't on duty, so I didn't get one. Praise be.
Had pies for lunch - it's getting warmer now, so we braved it outside - the shop is tiny, so it's outside or nowt.
Government meetings here mean the DVD shops are shut (unless you know the secret entrance, by the bogs, for regular's - that's regular customers at the DVD shop, not people going 'regular' to the loo) so I managed to get a few  - including 'I, Frankenstein' which was surprisingly enjoyable. Shite, really, but surprisingly enjoyable shite.
Walked back via the food market - like a long hall, starting with veg, then meat, then all sorts of other stuff - I love the colour, noise, smell (well, most of it) - so vibrant & atmospheric. Bought some spuds & carrots from my man who doesn't rip me off (or not so much that I notice) and then a peeler to peel them all. I intended to make 'Corn Dog (beef) Hash'. Inevitably, I made a right hash of it all, despite live FACETIME instructions from the UK. I only have one pan (I say 'have' because I ended up cobbing it out) which was too small. It really was a mess, but I ate it, and hated it.
I meant to have a 'traditional British' meal, but ended up reminded of just how far away Britain really is....

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