Wednesday 30 October 2013

"Davy's on the road again....."

Busy, tough couple of weeks (this week's column only touches the surface...) but travelled to 'Lord-knows-where' on Monday - hoped it would be an escape!! Bloody hotel had no hot water (I'm used to doing an Indian war dance under cold showers though, having had no hot water in my apartment for 2 weeks! And did anyone here give a toss? Nah!)and no heating...and as the bloody window wouldn't shut...well, I'm glad the bathroom had a robe in - I slept in it! I complained, and they shut the window....that's all....
I'm ahead of myself...
Monday's 6am start was good - a cheerful taxi driver, and my chums advice "allow up to 2 hours to get to the railway station!" proved bollox again - took me 25 minutes, so I sat there like a wally for ages...
The station fascinates me - not just the architecture, but the 'queues'...but once on the train, it's bloody fast - upto 180 mph....took me just an hour to get to my destination....very smooth and quiet. Just needs an old lady pushing a tea-trolley along with a BIG urn of tea!!! Oh - and bacon butties....that's ONE advantage of British Rail / Virgin....about the only ones, admittedly....

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