Tuesday 11 February 2014

Rat for dinner? That's SO last year, darling......

Recent (free) press item...
After all the fuss about rat meat being passed off as lamb in Shanghai, Beijing has gone one-up, with rat being "SO 2013..."
Urban trappers in Xicheng District caught red-handed with stray cats in their traps say they intended to sell their bounty to Beijing streetside barbecue joints for use as lamb kebab meat.
The drama unfolded last week when a cat enthusiast who takes care of neighborhood strays caught a youth checking a trap she noticed nearby. In an apparent bid to outrage bird enthusiasts as well, the thieves had baited their traps with live sparrows.
The woman, surnamed Li, says the hunters claimed to have caught over 100 cats during the New Year holiday.
Because apparently there are no laws on the books regarding urban trapping, the two men were jailed for 10 days for "stealing."

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