Tuesday 17 June 2014

Tony 'Total Twat' Blair

I've always detested this guy - my politics are no secret, but I'm surprisingly 'neutral' despite my fundamentally being a Tory pig (most add the words 'fascist' and 'bigot', but do so in a thinly disguised attempt to silence my views & replace them with their own, minority & 'politically correct' terminology & views)...
Just look at these photos - good examples of how he can LOOK patronising as well as sound it...real "I know I'm being photographed so must look the part - serious and important" poses. David Cameron is almost as bad (see?)
Amongst these is his ultimate 'Diana is dead' speech, which managed to look artificial (and patronising) even though I'm sure it wasn't. He just wanted to be first on the bus...
Anyway, what's really got my dander up is how he can POSSIBLY now distance the mess in Iraq today from the 2003 invasion, pushed along by him & Bush on the basis Saddam Hussein had loads of weapons of mass destruction / bad shit stuff. In the end, we found f*ck all, except a few milk floats (not rocket launchers) and a factory that made Haribo sweets (not poisonous gas)....oh, and we also found some 170 bodies of British soldiers who lost their lives for NOTHING.
He scarpered off leaving not only those bodies, but a mass of debt, shafting Gordon 'Lard-Arse' Brown at the same time...and now charges hundreds of thousands of pounds to talk about everything but the total lack of real evidence on which the invasion (and it was) was based on...
This article puts it all rather better than I do (and without the swearing) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2659649/Impeach-Tony-Blair-As-Iraq-burns-Parliament-deluded-liar-trial-writes-SIMON-HEFFER.html - Iraq was a bad place before we 'sorted it' but although oppressed, it wasn't full of the carnage & atrocities we are seeing now. And we set them all free when we removed the 'stability' of Hussein - no matter how well intended. And he & Bush have even managed to supress the truth now, with actual dialogue of their conversations remaining hidden. I thought the great, civilised west promoted freedom of speech & information as much as freedom to buy a loaf of bread?
If it's any sort of justice, at least he has to sleep with the most pig-ugly female-of-any-species on the planet. Bet she wears the trousers (and a bag on her head)....
The last photo shows where the noose should go.
Same place as it went for Saddam.
Two twats together.
Forgive me if that diatribe is full of mistakes - I don't spell-check or read these ramblings back before pressing 'send' and I'm battering & stabbing at the keyboard in rage...it might not make sense, but you get my drift....

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